Our core i-tri program is designed for middle school girls (ages 11-14). For 6 months, our i-tri girls meet for an immersive training program that includes:
All of our programs are free to all participants (including all equipment and transportation) because we do not believe that personal circumstances should hold any child back from reaching her potential. We don’t offer scholarships or require anyone to apply for financial support. Rather, we start every participant at a level playing field, which means that everyone participates in i-tri for free and receives all training, equipment and transportation at no charge through the entire program.
Our Program Leaders deliver our evidence-based Self-Esteem/Empowerment Curriculum to each school group once a week.* Lessons are discussion- based and leaders create a safe space where participants are able to share their stories and experiences, offer support and advice to one another and come to discover that we are all so much more similar than we are different. Participants learn to use powerful tools such as mindfulness, meditation, affirmations and visualization as a means to achieve their goal.
*Curriculum created and copywritten by i-tri, aligned with NY State SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Standards
In order to build confidence, self-esteem, endurance and enthusiasm for fitness, i-tri participants have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities often donated by local fitness instructors. Experiences range from Yoga, Zumba, Spin, Self-Defense and Kick Boxing to Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Latin Dance. Our goal is to teach the i-tri participants that they can engage in a fun healthy lifestyle no matter their athleticism.
Many of our participants come to us not knowing how to swim or ride a bike. Therefore, our triathlon training program, led by a professional staff of coaches, takes them from basic instructions and getting past their own fears to being ready to cross a finish line. Participants meet weekly on Saturdays from February to June for swim, bike and run instruction/training. For the final three weeks before the race, our participants meet almost daily at the race site to practice. For this period, we provide door to door transportation for every participants, so that no one’s personal circumstances prevent their success.
A certified nutritionist demonstrates, teaches and guides participants and their families through hands-on meal prep. We find that this leads to families, shopping, cooking and eating healthier meals together, which is important since we know that family dinners are directly tied to a decrease in drug/alcohol use, higher grades and school attendance, and healthier eating habits.
Coming out of the Covid 19 pandemic, i-tri has noticed the world has experienced different levels of trauma. Research suggests that adolescents, young children, LGBTQ youth, and children of color may be particularly vulnerable to negative mental health consequences of the pandemic, including anxiety and depression. To address the psychological needs faced by adolescent participants as they return to in-person learning, i-tri has worked with the Center of Healing and Justice Through Sport to train our staff in Trauma Informed Care (TIC) specifically focused on youth who suffer from mental health issues.
Published research by Jennifer Gatz, PhD, has established that i-tri’s program has a significant impact on i-tri participants executive functioning, aptitude, and attitudes, which in turn leads to improved performance in the area of science. As a result of this compelling research, i-tri has created our groundbreaking “Science of Triathlon Integrated Curriculum.” Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are interwoven throughout every aspect of the program. During Empowerment Sessions, the participants learn the science of how neuroplasticity and visual motor rehearsal lead to improved self image and athletic performance. While swimming, biking and running they FEEL directly on their body the impact of physics, terms that they have learned, including buoyancy, drag and incline plane. They integrate real life mathematics and chemistry while measuring and combining ingredients during nutrition lessons. They understand how and why the gears on their bikes are engineered to allow them to peddle up hill. Technology such as heart rate monitors are used to increase performance and individualized fitness levels.
*Curriculum created and © by i-tri, aligned with NY State Science, Math, Health and Physical Education Standards
We start our season with a full day i-tri experience for the participants and their parents or loved ones. Our program is intensive and requires support from the families. This fun interactive gathering gives an inside look into i-tri for the people that will be supporting the participants throughout this journey. We have heard from so many parents that i-tri has had positive impacts on their entire family, and it is through this ongoing connection that we help them to feel involved and invested in this process.
Every year, i-tri invites professional women from different backgrounds and career fields to spend the day interacting with our participants in meaningful ways. i-tri has always taught our girls to visualize their success. This can feel pretty difficult to do if you cannot define success. As part of our career-preparedness program, we invite successful women to share their stories, so that our participants can begin to see what their futures can look like.
For the high school participants that have completed our program, we offer multiple options to stay involved.
Our Alumni Coaching program allows participants who have completed the program to volunteer as Assistant Coaches, acting as lifeguards, coaches, mentors and leaders for the younger participants.
We’re expanding nationally. Want to bring the i-tri program to your region?